Why Reusable Sanitary Pads For Heavy Flow Are The Next Best Choices

When it comes to considering menstrual products, reusable sanitary pads are becoming more common these days. Women and girls often tend to prefer the pads for their environmental and sustainable reasons, but stick with them because they are genuinely comfortable and good for the body. The following tells you the facts and benefits of choosing reusable sanitary pads for heavy flow . Eco-friendly and sustainable One of the greatest benefits of choosing reusable sanitary pads is their positive impact on the environment. Unlike the disposable ones, which take almost a hundred years to decompose, the reusable ones are easy to use and last for years. By choosing them, you are helping to reduce the amount of waste that ends up in landfills. These are washable and dry in a few hours. With a little bit of rubbing, you can easily wash them using a mild detergent. Simply soak them in warm water before washing them. However, it is advised to avoid using fabric softeners and bleaching product...